Mélanie Dulong de Rosnay et Pierre-Carl Langlais dressent un historique et un état des lieux de la controverse sur la liberté de panorama en Europe, mettant en évidence la place prépondérante des sociétés de gestion de droits d’un côté et celle de Wikimedia de l’autre, presse et médias sociaux restant en revanche en retrait.
The analysis of the media and the lobbying campaign reveal that the main actors of the debate are collecting societies, whose revenues would be affected should the exception become compulsory, or larger. The users’ side, the analysis finds, is mainly represented by Wikipedia, an organisation at the forefront of the campaign and therefore also of this paper. While other stakeholders of the online space are affected by this legal prerogative, neither social media platforms, nor the press, chose to join the ca